

don't just


How To Ingnite Your Superpowers And Build The Career & Life You Love

About Us

Transforming Lives
through Comprehensive Mastery

The Academy for Professional Intelligence ® was founded by Paul Kohli, BSc FCA in 2022.

The Academy for Professional Intelligence shares a collective ambition: to make a transformative IMPACT in every aspect of the ONE life we ALL share.

Professional Intelligence® isn’t just a concept; it’s a comprehensive framework that equips individuals with the tools and behaviours rooted in professional principles.

Our goal is to help you achieve financial resilience so you can thrive and build the life you love. We believe in a life not just lived but deeply experienced, where financial freedom isn’t a dream but a holistic journey you can start today.

While many seek external coaches, we offer a comprehensive pathway to self-mastery.

Our framework, deeply rooted in professional principles, provides you with the tools to not just react but respond to life’s challenges. Harness the potent energy of financial, emotional, social and physical intelligence, and observe the invisible forces that often drive our actions.

Instead of operating from a place of “fixing,” our approach emphasises mastering the self, especially when faced with overwhelm, anxiety, and stress.


Our expertiseis backed by ouraffiliation with the prestigious

Institute of Chartered Accountants.

We’re uniquely qualified to guide you to successful money

management and financial independence.

And we’re excited to introduce the
ultimate blueprint to help you getstarted!

Our Mission

At The Academy for Professional Intelligence, we’re on a mission to help you shine brighter than ever. Picture this: you, armed with the superpowers of Professional Intelligence®, taking charge of your life like a pro. We aim to empower people through self-regulated strategy development, emotional intelligence coaching, physical intelligence training, and other personal development strategies.

Imagine feeling confident, understanding your finances like a champ, and being emotionally and physically resilient. That’s what we’re here for. We want to see you reach your full potential, become financially resilient, and excel in every aspect of your life.

Group of happy people enjoy travel

Our Vision

Our dream at The Academy for Professional Intelligence is to create a world where everyone is a superhero in their own life story. Imagine a world where people are emotionally intelligent, socially skilled, financially savvy, physically fit, and spiritually connected. That’s the kind of well-rounded, fulfilled world we envision.

By joining us, you’re not just taking a course; you’re embarking on an epic journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Our Mission

At The Academy for Professional Intelligence, we’re on a mission to help you shine brighter than ever. Picture this: you, armed with the superpowers of Professional Intelligence®, taking charge of your life like a pro. We aim to empower people through self-regulated strategy development, emotional intelligence coaching, physical intelligence training, and other personal development strategies.

Imagine feeling confident, understanding your finances like a champ, and being emotionally and physically resilient. That’s what we’re here for. We want to see you reach your full potential, become financially resilient, and excel in every aspect of your life.

Our Vision

Our dream at The Academy for Professional Intelligence is to create a world where everyone is a superhero in their own life story. Imagine a world where people are emotionally intelligent, socially skilled, financially savvy, physically fit, and spiritually connected. That’s the kind of well-rounded, fulfilled world we envision.

By joining us, you’re not just taking a course; you’re embarking on an epic journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Meet The Team


Rajesh kohli

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Paul Kohli

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Rajesh kohli

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Rajesh kohli

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What Sets Us Apart - Your Superpowers

  • Financial Wizardry: We’ll turn you into a financial wizard, helping you decode the mysteries of money and investments.
  • Whole-Person Approach: We nurture every aspect of your being, helping you thrive in mind, body, and spirit.
  • The Power of Community: Join a tribe of like-minded individuals who have your back and want to see you succeed.
  • Amazing Value: Our comprehensive approach offers more bang for your buck than a bundle of individual coaching sessions.
  • Our Promise: To guide you in crafting a life fueled by purpose, driven by intelligence, and anchored in financial freedom.

Sign up today and automatically receive our Kickstart Blueprint valued at $47 for free on its official launch date on the 20th of February.

  • Dive deeper than surface-level advice with expert financial insights from a Qualified Chartered Accountant / CPA
  • Embrace a journey that nurtures every facet of your being
  • Be part of a tribe that believes in supporting, uplifting, and growing together

Success Stories

After becoming a mother I felt such a strong urge to rebuild my professional identity but I worried whether there was still room for me - so much had changed. Since joining the Academy for Professional Intelligence I’ve discovered how to balance my personal and professional life harmoniously, to trust my unique skill set, to adapt and navigate changes and to create opportunities where others might see obstacles.


By embracing the principles of professional intelligence, I have discovered a newfound confidence. I realised I no longer need to change who I am - something I found myself doing previously alongside a coach. Working on my interpersonal skills, building relationships and making informed decisions has really improved my professional visibility and financial stability.

Straight up handsomeness.

Embracing the core professional principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, and due care has been nothing short of transformative for me. These principles, discussed in the Free Kickstart Blueprint have informed my financial decisions and played a pivotal role in enhancing my financial resilience.


One of the key insights from the Kickstart Blueprint has been a deeper understanding of what’s driving my decision-making. It’s empowered me to make better financial decisions without giving in to the pressure of the moment


Learning how to genuinely connect and get along with people has proven to be the cornerstone of my journey towards developing professional intelligence, and the ripple effects on my financial life have been truly remarkable.


I often felt adrift in a world where job-hopping has become increasingly common. By aligning my career choices with my core desires I have discovered a newfound sense of purpose and fulfilment and finally broken free from the constraints of financial limitations.


Our Disciplines

We use several disciplines when it comes to developing your Professional Intelligence, such as guiding on better understanding your behaviours (emotional intelligence), helping build interpersonal relationships with others (social intelligence), teaching how one should go about managing finances effectively (financial intelligence) as well as managing decisions surrounding health & wellbeing appropriately (physical intelligence). All of these are crucial components to living up to the best version of yourself each day: Pursuing Personal Excellence!

From stopping procrastination habits that prevent success right down to becoming more mindful about every decision made throughout the day – The Academy for Professional Intelligence is here because it knows it has all the tools necessary for someone like yourself who wants a true balance between what matters most: Family/Friends – Career/Finances – Wellbeing/Health! So why not begin exploring today?!

Happy people

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is based on the understanding that emotional intelligence and related skills are essential for individuals planning a successful career or life path.

Our experienced team of coaches has studied a range of disciplines, including psychology, coaching, neuroscience, finance management, and fitness & health sciences, to develop a unique Blueprint system with modules designed to teach students about the importance of self-awareness & self-regulation for achieving optimum performance in all areas.

Our Blueprint covers specific topics: Emotional Intelligence Coaching, Self Regulation Activities, Self Awareness Coaching, Financial Stability and Net Worth Improvement, Physical Health, and Fitness Programs, Proven Strategies for Improving Your Financial Well Being, Effective Communication Strategies for Personal Growth, and Professional Development.

At Professional Intelligence, we understand that emotional intelligence isn’t just about feelings but also about thinking critically and making sound decisions – whether it’s improving personal finances or bettering communication within relationships. Our award-winning team has developed tailored activities that allow participants to put into practice new strategies they have learned during their sessions – making sure they get the most out of each experience at our institute.

The foundation behind Professional Intelligence stands on two pillars: knowledge imparted through expert instruction coupled with practical realisation gained through evidence-based activities that encourage reflection and introspection. Through this combination, clients can build confidence in all aspects of their professional and personal life journey – one step at a time–keeping ‘progress’ at the forefront rather than ‘perfection.’ 

We invite you to join us on an exciting journey where our experts will guide you through every step so you may achieve your true potential–both personally and professionally.