
From Savings to Success: How to Teach Kids About Money Management

money-saving mindset

Discover the secrets to raising successful, well-rounded children by teaching them about Money management and developing their Professional Intelligence.

Learn how to make financial education fun and engaging for children, and how to incorporate lessons on emotional, social, and physical intelligence into everyday life.

Gain practical tips and insights from a professional educator on how to teach your children about money management, entrepreneurship, empathy, manners, and more.

Instilling good money habits in children from a young age is crucial for their future success. It’s never too early to start teaching children the value of money and the importance of managing it wisely. It  is important to start developing Professional Intelligence in children as soon as possible. This encompasses emotional, social, financial, and physical intelligence. By teaching children these skills, we can help them become well-rounded individuals who are equipped for success in all aspects of their lives. One of the biggest challenges facing parents today is how to teach their children about money in a way that is both educational and engaging.

Here are some practical tips for parents to teach their children about good money habits and develop Professional Intelligence:

  1. Start Early: It’s never too early to start teaching children about good money habits. By starting early, you can help your children develop good habits that will last a lifetime. Even toddlers can learn the value of money by playing with toy coins and practicing counting.
  1. Lead by Example: Children learn best by watching their parents. Therefore, it’s crucial to model good money habits yourself. This includes setting a budget, saving regularly, and avoiding unnecessary debt.
  1. Make it Fun: Children are more likely to learn when they are having fun. Make learning about money fun by playing games like Monopoly or creating a budgeting game for your children.
  1. Teach Basic Financial Concepts: As children get older, they should learn about basic financial concepts like budgeting, credit, and investing. Make it a point to explain these concepts in an age-appropriate manner and encourage them to ask questions.
  1. Use Real-Life Examples: When teaching children about money, use real-life examples that they can relate to, such as saving for a toy or a family vacation. This will help them understand the practical applications of money management.
  1. Encourage Saving:  Saving is an essential part of good money habits. Encourage your children to save a portion of their earnings or allowance each week, and reward them for reaching savings goals.
  1. Teach the Value of Money: Teaching children that money doesn’t grow on trees and that it’s earned through hard work is a key principal for them to grasp. Encourage them to earn money by doing chores or starting a small business like a lemonade stand.
  1. Encourage Giving: Teaching children about the importance of giving back to their community or a charitable cause is a crucial part of developing Professional Intelligence. Encourage your children to donate a portion of their savings or time to a cause they care about.
  1. Develop Social Intelligence: Social intelligence involves teaching children about manners, etiquette, and how to communicate effectively with others. This is essential for developing healthy relationships and building a strong network.
  2. Develop Physical Intelligence: Physical intelligence involves teaching children about the importance of being physically active, eating a healthy diet, and taking care of their bodies. Encourage your children to participate in sports or other physical activities and provide them with healthy meals and snacks.

It is important to teach children about good money habits and developing Professional Intelligence. By starting early, leading by example, making it fun, and teaching basic financial concepts, parents can help their children become financially responsible and well-rounded individuals. It’s never too early to start teaching these skills, and the benefits will last a lifetime.

Mikalia Lemonade Business

As an example, I would like to share the story of a young entrepreneur named Mikaila Ulmer, who started her own lemonade business at the age of 4. Mikaila was inspired to start her business after getting stung by two bees in one week. She decided to research bees and discovered the important role they play in our ecosystem. With the help of her grandmother’s recipe, Mikaila started selling her own lemonade, which she sweetened with honey instead of sugar.

Mikaila’s lemonade became a hit in her local community, and she eventually caught the attention of Whole Foods, who started selling her lemonade in their stores. Today, Mikaila’s business, Me & The Bees Lemonade, is a thriving enterprise that donates a portion of its profits to organizations that support bee conservation. Mikaila’s story is a testament to the importance of teaching children about good money habits and the value of hard work and entrepreneurship. By providing children with the tools they need to manage their finances and encouraging them to pursue their passions, parents can help their children achieve success and make a positive impact on the world.

Developing a Child’s Emotional Intelligence

In addition to teaching children about good money habits, it’s important to develop their emotional intelligence by teaching them how to handle their emotions. As a parent, I believe that emotional intelligence is essential for children to succeed in all aspects of their lives. Children who have high emotional intelligence are better able to manage stress, build healthy relationships, and communicate effectively.

To develop emotional intelligence in children, parents can encourage them to express their emotions in a healthy way and teach them coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and difficult situations. Parents can also model healthy emotional behaviors by managing their own emotions in a positive way and communicating effectively with their children.

Teaching children about good money habits and developing Professional Intelligence is essential for their future success. By starting early, leading by example, making it fun, and teaching basic financial concepts, parents can help their children become financially responsible and well-rounded individuals. By also developing their emotional, social, and physical intelligence, parents can help their children become successful in all aspects of their lives.

Developing a Child’s Social Intelligence

One way to encourage the development of social intelligence in children is by teaching them manners and etiquette. Teaching children how to behave in social situations is important for building healthy relationships and navigating the world around them. Children who have good manners and know how to behave in different situations are more likely to make a positive impression on others and feel confident in social situations.

To teach children about manners and etiquette, parents can start by modeling good behavior themselves. This includes saying please and thank you, holding the door open for others, and being respectful to others. Parents can also use role-playing to help children practice social situations and teach them how to handle difficult social scenarios.

Developing a Child’s Physical Intelligence

In addition to teaching children about social intelligence and good money habits, it’s important to encourage physical intelligence by teaching children the importance of being healthy and fit. Physical intelligence involves developing skills related to physical activity, nutrition, and overall well-being. By teaching children about healthy habits, parents can help them lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

To encourage physical intelligence in children, parents can encourage them to participate in sports or other physical activities. This not only helps children stay active but also helps them develop skills related to teamwork, communication, and leadership. Parents can also teach their children about the importance of nutrition and provide them with healthy meals and snacks.

Developing Professional Intelligence is essential for children’s success in all aspects of their lives. By teaching children about good money habits, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and physical intelligence, parents can help them become well-rounded individuals who are equipped for success. It’s important to start teaching these skills early and provide children with the tools they need to succeed. By doing so, parents can help their children achieve their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.

Developing a Child’s Financial Intelligence

Children who have good financial habits are more likely to be financially secure and make wise decisions with their money. To teach children about financial intelligence, parents can start by teaching them the basics of money management. This includes how to save money, how to create a budget, and how to avoid debt. Parents can also encourage children to earn money by doing chores or starting a small business like a lemonade stand. This not only helps children learn about money management but also teaches them the value of hard work and entrepreneurship.

Parents can teach children about investing and the power of compound interest. By starting to save and invest at a young age, children can grow their money over time and build a solid financial foundation for their future. 

Another important aspect of teaching children about financial intelligence is teaching them about giving back. As a parent, I believe that teaching children about the importance of giving back to their community or a charitable cause is a crucial part of developing Professional Intelligence. Parents can encourage their children to donate a portion of their savings or time to a cause they care about. This not only teaches children about the importance of giving back but also helps them develop empathy and compassion for others.

Teaching children about good money habits and developing Professional Intelligence is essential for their future success. By starting early, leading by example, making it fun, and teaching basic financial concepts, parents can help their children become financially responsible and well-rounded individuals. By also developing their emotional, social, and physical intelligence, parents can help their children become successful in all aspects of their lives. By providing children with the tools they need to manage their finances and pursue their passions, parents can help their children achieve their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.


Instilling good money habits in children and developing their Professional Intelligence is a vital part of raising successful and well-rounded individuals. By providing them with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their finances, handle their emotions, interact with others, stay fit and healthy, and pursue their passions, parents can help their children achieve their full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

Good Money Habits in Developing Their Professional Intelligence

It’s never too early to start teaching children about these important concepts and providing them with the tools they need to succeed. By making it fun, leading by example, and teaching basic financial concepts, parents can help their children become financially responsible and well-rounded individuals. By teaching children about good money habits and developing their Professional Intelligence, we are not only helping them succeed in their own lives but also preparing them to be responsible citizens and leaders in their communities. Let’s start early, lead by example, and invest in our children’s future success.

In addition to these tips, it’s important for parents to remember that teaching children about good money habits and developing their Professional Intelligence is a process that takes time and effort. It’s not something that can be done overnight or in a single lesson. It requires ongoing education, practice, and reinforcement.

By making these concepts a part of our daily lives, we are helping our children develop good habits and build the skills they need to be successful in all aspects of their lives. I believe that by providing children with a strong foundation in Professional Intelligence, we are setting them up for a lifetime of success and happiness.

Furthermore, it’s important to keep in mind that every child is unique and may have different needs when it comes to learning about money management and Professional Intelligence. Some children may be more interested in entrepreneurship, while others may be more interested in investing. As a parent, it’s important to tailor your approach to your child’s individual interests and needs.

Additionally, it’s important to be patient and persistent when teaching children about good money habits and developing their Professional Intelligence. Children may not understand these concepts right away and may need time to practice and develop their skills. As parents, we need to provide guidance, support, and encouragement along the way.

One effective way to help children develop their Professional Intelligence is to involve them in financial decision-making. For example, parents can involve their children in creating a family budget or planning for a vacation. This not only teaches children about money management but also helps them develop decision-making skills and a sense of responsibility.

Another effective way to help children develop their Professional Intelligence is to provide them with opportunities to learn from others who have already achieved success. Parents can encourage their children to read biographies or watch documentaries about successful entrepreneurs or investors. This not only helps children learn about money management but also helps them develop a growth mindset and a desire to learn and improve.

Teaching children about good money habits and developing their Professional Intelligence is essential for their future success. By tailoring our approach to our children’s individual needs and interests, involving them in financial decision-making, and providing them with opportunities to learn from successful individuals, we can help our children develop the skills they need to achieve their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.

Parents are encouraged to create a supportive environment for their children to learn about money management and Professional Intelligence. This includes providing them with age-appropriate financial tools, such as a savings account or allowance, and allowing them to make mistakes and learn from them.

Parents can also help their children develop a healthy relationship with money by teaching them about the importance of delayed gratification and the value of hard work. By encouraging their children to save money for a desired item or experience, parents can teach them about setting goals and working towards them.

key takeaways for parents looking to teach their children about good money habits and develop their Professional Intelligence:

  1. Start early and make it fun: Teach children about money management and other aspects of Professional Intelligence in an engaging and age-appropriate way.
  1. Lead by example: Model good financial habits and other aspects of Professional Intelligence, such as emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and physical intelligence.
  1. Teach basic financial concepts: Start with the basics of money management such as saving money, creating a budget, and avoiding debt, and gradually introduce more complex concepts as children get older.
  1. Encourage entrepreneurship: Encourage children to start a small business to develop financial management and entrepreneurial skills.
  1. Teach giving back: Encourage children to donate a portion of their savings or time to a charitable cause they care about.
  1. Develop emotional intelligence: Teach children coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and difficult situations.
  1. Teach social intelligence: Teach children about manners, etiquette, and social skills to help them navigate social situations and build healthy relationships with others.
  1. Encourage physical intelligence: Encourage children to participate in sports or other physical activities to develop teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.
  1. Involve children in financial decision-making: Involve children in creating a family budget or planning for a vacation to develop decision-making skills and a sense of responsibility.
  2. Provide opportunities to learn from successful individuals: Encourage children to read biographies or watch documentaries about successful entrepreneurs or investors to develop a growth mindset and a desire to learn and improve.

Teaching children about good financial habits with money-saving tips and developing their Professional Intelligence is essential for their future success. By starting early, making it fun, and incorporating these concepts into our daily lives, parents can help their children become well-rounded individuals who are equipped for success. Let’s invest in our children’s future by teaching them the skills they need to achieve their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.

Picture of Paul Kohli

Paul Kohli

Paul Kohli BSc FCA is a world-renowned Chartered Accountant qualifying with PricewaterhouseCoopers® earning the status of Registered Auditor. He is the Principal Executive Producer at The Academy for Professional Intelligence® (TAPI®), Chartered Accountants. TAPI® provides in-depth personal finance guidance through interactive courses, helping individuals become their own financial coach. It aims at the holistic development of emotional, social, financial, and physical intelligence, teaching effective money management and savings techniques for long term financial resilience and freedom. The content provided is for informational and guidance purposes only, and should not be interpreted as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other professional advice. It is not an endorsement, offer, or solicitation for any financial assets or securities. Information is of a general nature and not tailored to individual needs; readers should seek specific advice or conduct their own research before making decisions. The The Academy for Professional Intelligence® (TAPI®), Chartered Accountants does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no liability for any errors, omissions, or losses resulting from its use.

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